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Resident Evil, Sim City, Three Others Are 2024 Video Game Hall Of Fame Inductees

Resident Evil, Sim City, Three Others Are 2024 Vidoe Game Hall Of Fame Inductees

The Strong National Museum of Play has announced the 2024 Video Game Hall of Fame inductees. Earlier in March, 12 games were nominated for the prestigious position. However, only five games eventually ended up being inducted. This year, the games that emerged as the 2024 class of inductees were Asteroids, Myst, Resident Evil, SimCity, and Ultima.

Resident Evil, Sim City, Three Others Are 2024 Vidoe Game Hall Of Fame Inductees

“The Strong’s World Video Game Hall of Fame recognizes individual electronic games of all types—arcade, console, computer, handheld, and mobile—that have enjoyed popularity over a sustained period and have exerted influence on the video game industry or on popular culture and society in general,” the Museum explained.

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Since the inception of The Strong’s World Video Game Hall of Fame in 2015, this year is the first time that five games have been inducted at once. Previously, only four games were inducted. Last year, only four games were inducted namely Barbie Fashion Designer, Computer Space, The Last of Us, and Wii Sports.

It is unclear if five-game inductions will be the new standard, or if this year was a one-off deviation. World Video Game Hall of Fame inductees are permanently displayed in the ESL Digital Worlds: High Score exhibit located on the second floor in The Strong’s new expansion.

Describing Resident Evil, The Strong Museum noted that although the game was not the first horror-themed game, it was the first to popularize the “survival horror” genre, as Capcom called it. Resident Evil remains one of Capcom’s top-selling franchises to date.

If there is any game you want to see in the World Video Game Hall of Fame next year, the museum gives everyone a chance to nominate a game. You can do so here. When nominating a game, make sure it meets four criteria namely:

  • Has icon status: meaning the game must be widely remembered and recognized
  • Longevity: the game must have enjoyed huge popularity over time
  • Geographical reach: the aforementioned criteria must not be limited to one region or country
  • Influence: the game must have influenced the design and development of other games or other forms of entertainment or popular culture.

The fourth criterion is by far the most superior and a game that meets the fourth criterion and fails the other three can still be inducted.