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Capcom Wants To Create Games Fans Want To Play, New Survey Suggests

Capcom Wants To Create Games Fans Want To Play New Survey Suggests

To celebrate Capcom’s 40th anniversary last year, the company created a new website called Capcom Town. At that time, it was called “the ultimate digital tourist destination” that would be updated regularly with new features. Now, the company is using it to conduct a survey that suggests the company may be considering a reboot of some of its old IPs.

The new survey is called “Capcom Super Elections” and those who opt to vote will get to answer 10 questions. I opted to vote so that I will be able to give you a heads up on what to expect from the questions and, perhaps, prepare ahead of time so you will provide the most accurate answers.

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In some of the questions, you will only be allowed to choose one answer while in others you can choose up to three answers. In instances where you will have to choose one answer, there will be a search bar to help you find the game you are looking for.

Capcom Wants To Create Games Fans Want To Play New Survey Suggests

The first question you will be asked is which Capcom games you love the most. Unfortunately, you can only choose one answer to this question. Therefore, it may be a good idea to rethink all the games you have played from the developer before making your choice.

Capcom Wants To Create Games Fans Want To Play New Survey Suggests

Question 2 was the toughest for me to answer. The question was to pick the Capcom character you loved the most. Considering that I have played so many great Capcom games including the Resident Evil series, picking just one character was a tough job. Who knows, maybe it would not be so tricky for you.

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Capcom Wants To Create Games Fans Want To Play New Survey Suggests

Question 3 was about picking what you look out for when you play Capcom games. This was the first question where voters were allowed to pick up to three answers. Although I picked three answers, when I think of Capcom, Resident Evil always comes to my mind. I think it is something about the element of horror. Sadly, nothing like that was in the options.

Capcom Wants To Create Games Fans Want To Play New Survey Suggests

In question 4, you will be asked “What image do you have of Capcom?”. By this, they mean what do you consider their brand image to be? As I mentioned in the previous paragraph, Capcom always evokes horror and uncertainty for me. So, I found it hard to pick from the options provided. By the way, you can choose up to three answers here.

Capcom wants to create games that fans want to play

Developers are often accused of being out of touch with the reality of what type of games players are looking for. Well, some questions on the Capcom Super Elections survey rightly suggest that the developer may be looking inward to make sure they are creating the type of games that their fans want to play.

Capcom Wants To Create Games Fans Want To Play New Survey Suggests

Question 5 asked, “Are there any Capcom game series (including spinoff games that you would like to see get a sequel or new game? Thankfully it was not restrictive as voters were allowed to choose up to three answers. The games that were listed under the question include;

  • Darkstalkers
  • Okami
  • Onimusha
  • Ace Attorney
  • Street Fighter
  • Sengoku Basara
  • Dino Crisis
  • Dead Rising
  • Devil May Cry
  • Dragon’s Dogma
  • Toraware no Paruma
  • Vs Capcom
  • Resident Evil
  • Final Fight
  • Breath of Fire
  • Ghosts ‘n Gobins
  • Monster Hunter
  • Lost Planet
  • Mega Man
  • 1942

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Capcom Wants To Create Games Fans Want To Play New Survey Suggests

Moving a step further from question 5, the company asked, “Is there a game that you would like to see completely remade with the latest technology, including character design and story direction?” Voters were only allowed to choose one answer. The list of options that followed includes;

  • Onimusha 1-3
  • Ace Attorney 1-3
  • Commando
  • Rival Schools
  • Nijiirocho no Kiseki
  • Final Fight
  • Breath of Fire 1-3
  • Gargoyle’s Quest 1 and 2
  • Mega Man 1-3

This likely suggests that these are the titles that Capcom is strongly considering for a remake, remaster or sequel. Perhaps, if they get enough votes that suggest players want to see a particular title they might just make it happen.

Capcom wants to know what player experience has been with their brand and games

Capcom Wants To Create Games Fans Want To Play New Survey Suggests

The last part of the survey heavily focused on trying to know what endeared players to the Capcom brand and why they keep coming back. For example, question 7 asked voters to name the first Capcom game they ever played. In this case, it made sense that the answer was restricted to one.

Capcom Wants To Create Games Fans Want To Play New Survey Suggests

In question 8, the company asked, “Which Capcom game has influenced you the most?” Again, the answer was limited to one. However, I wished it was more because most Capcom games I have played always hit differently.

Capcom Wants To Create Games Fans Want To Play New Survey Suggests

Question 9 allowed voters to point out anything they didn’t like about the company. The developer allowed just one answer in this case. I am really curious to see the result of this particular question.

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Capcom Wants To Create Games Fans Want To Play New Survey Suggests

Question 10 is more of a follow-up to the previous question. I didn’t understand it because it was not a question, but rather, a statement. Wasn’t sure what they meant. However, once I chose “Yes”, I was taken to another window where I had to write in my own words what I liked or didn’t like about the Company.

Hopefully, this post prepares you to choose your best answers and also provides the developer with whatever answers they are looking for. to make the next blockbuster

Which old Capcom title would you be excited about if you heard it was being remade? Share your thoughts in the comment box below.