GameBaba Universe

Concord Will Have 2 Editions, Cost $40, And Require PSN Account

Concord Will Have 2 Editions, Cost $40, And Require PSN Account

Concord headlined PlayStation’s May 30 State of Play. More details have emerged about the game following the opening of the books for pre-order. The game will come in two editions namely the Standard and Digital Deluxe Edition.

Concord Will Have 2 Editions, Cost $40, And Require PSN Account

According to the PlayStation Store listing, the Standard Edition will cost $39.99 and offer no perks to the player. However, players who opt for the $59.99 Digital Deluxe Edition will get three perks including up to 3 days of Early Access, 16 character skins, and Monarch Pack.

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The Monarch Pack contains Vale’s Monarch Frontliner Sniper Skin and Dead Reckoner Weapon Skin Pack. The pricing of Concord is identical to February’s Helldivers 2 which turned out to be a huge hit.

However, unlike Helldivers 2, Concord’s gameplay footage was poorly received. It received an overwhelmingly negative response with over 80% more dislikes than likes. However, the cinematic trailer received slightly higher likes.

Concord is the debut title from PlayStation’s Firewalk Studios. It will be released on PS5 and PC on August 23 while a beta will happen sometime in July. It appears players who pre-order the game now will have access to the July beta and can also invite four friends to join them in the game.

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The upcoming release is a 5v5 team-based shooter where players compete as freegunners or guns-for-hire and fight other freegunners. There are at least 16 playable characters in the game and each one has a unique playstyle.

Firewalk revealed that the game will get new cinematic vignettes every week that will highlight the life of the characters outside the battlefield. In other words, these cinematics will give players each character’s backstory—and probably help them to fall more in love with the characters.

Concord will require a PSN account

Concord Will Have 2 Editions, Cost $40, And Require PSN Account

Sony ran into trouble when it tried to force Helldivers PC players to sign into their PSN accounts. What followed was a backlash and negative review bombing on Steam. Eventually, Sony had to rescind that decision. Now Sony makes sure that it spells out this requirement ahead of time.

On the game’s listing page on the PlayStation Store, Sony said, “Online features require an account and are subject to terms of service and applicable privacy policy”. Sony has always argued that the PSN account requirement helps it keep its online game experience safe for all players.

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Inasmuch as this may make logical sense, it alienates players living in regions without PSN coverage. GameBaba Universe predicts that if this policy is enforced, it will likely be the weight that will hold Concord down from reaching its full player potential—bearing in mind that the upcoming game is already suffering from negative perception.

Concord Will Have 2 Editions, Cost $40, And Require PSN Account

Considering the fact that Concord is a 5v5 game, Firewalk Studios will need as many players as it can to populate the game and make it fun for all—which also justifies launching it simultaneously on PC, just like Helldivers 2.

That said, it will be interesting to see how many concurrent players Concord will pull in within 24 hours of launch and how many will still be playing the game a month afterward. Hopefully, the perception of players about the game will change after the July beta.