Bayonetta director Hideki Kamiya has taken to social media to bare his mind on what he thinks about leakers. In a lengthy three-part post on social media, Kamiya said those who leak Switch 2 should be “covered in sh*t”.
“I hope that all those who leaked Switch 2 information will be cursed for the rest of their lives to have poo on the soles of their shoes whenever they go home,” Kamiya wrote, according to machine translation.
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“Now that I’ve been able to enjoy the surprise announcement of the new Okami with everyone else, I think all those damn leakers should be cursed. The scumbag leaker is only acting for his own pleasure and self-satisfaction.”
“Not only is he not benefitting anyone, he’s also causing all kinds of opportunity losses, and he’s a piece of trash who has nothing to be proud of. He should be covered in shit and thrown out of the atmosphere, and then stop thinking and wander around forever.”
“The scumbags are in a position of responsibility where they have access to information that only a very small number of people know about, but all they do is act on their dirty, irrational need for approval. They are the ones who should be blamed, not the manufacturers whose secrets were exposed, and they need to be crushed as soon as possible.”
Kamiya is currently working on an Okami sequel with a new team at Clovers Studio—although they’ll be working in partnership with Capcom. He was able to avoid similar leaks ahead of the announcement of his latest project at The Game Awards.
Prior to the official announcement of the Nintendo Switch 2 on January 16, information about several aspects of the console was shared online. An accessory maker even showcased a Switch 2 accessory at CES 2025.
Do you think leakers should be ignored or are they a menace that should be stamped out of the video game industry? Share your thoughts in the comment box below.