GameBaba Universe

Monster Hunter Wilds will not be out until 2025. However, Capcom has started sharing bits of the game to whet gamers’ appetites. Three new videos were shared today (cumulatively less than 5 minutes) that showcased three different aspects of the game including basic mechanics, focus mode, and the great sword.

Monster Hunter Wilds Highlights Basic Mechanics, Focus Mode, And Great Sword

Unlike in other games, attacking the same part of a monster’s body in Monster Hunter Wilds may create a wound on that body part. That wound will be highlighted when the player enters Focus Mode. Attacking wounds deals extra damage than hitting other parts of the body.

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The Great Sword

Monster Hunter Wilds Highlights Basic Mechanics, Focus Mode, And Great Sword

The Great Sword is one of the weapons that will feature in the upcoming game. According to the video description, “The iconic Great Sword delivers powerful, satisfying chops that’ll send foes reeling”.

The oversized sword has one sharp and curved edge and the other is covered with decorative leather that feels like the lace of a shoe. When players unsheathe the weapon, their movement and attack will be slower. However, the level of damage that a successful hit delivers makes the tradeoffs worth it. When the weapon is sheathed, you can make use of items.

It is best for hit-and-run tactics or guarding your player from an attack. Great Sword can be combined with Focus Mode to identify weak spots on the body of the monster and deal greater damage to them by hitting the weak spots.

Focus Mode

Monster Hunter Wilds Highlights Basic Mechanics, Focus Mode, And Great Sword

Monster Hunter Wilds has a new focus mode that makes the hunt more interesting. While in the focus mode, the player will see weak spots on the enemies which will deliver more damage to the enemy.

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“Aim attacks or guards and hit wounds that are highlighted in this mode for extra damage,” read the video description. “Use Focus Strikes to unleash special attacks for big damage to wounds and weak points”.

Each of the weapons available in the game will have a unique Focus Strike. It is important to mention that the attack or guards performed in Focus Mode will be directed where the camera is facing. In other words, make sure you turn the camera in the direction of the enemy during the attack.

Monster Hunter Wilds basic mechanics overview

Monster Hunter Wilds Highlights Basic Mechanics, Focus Mode, And Great Sword

One of the mechanics shown in the new video was “The Seikret”, the bird-looking creature that players will be riding in the game. The creature provides a means of faster travel. It is summoned by whistling and can guide the player automatically to the target monster for your current quest.

While mounted on Seikret, players can perform several activities including recovering their health, sharpening weapons, gathering useful hunting items and materials, and also giving you the ability to switch between primary and secondary weapons.

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One of the weapons that will be found in Monster Hunter Wilds is “The Slinger”. It is the standard equipment for any hunter and will allow players to fire different types of ammo that can be gathered from the environment.

The Hook Slinger can also be used to gather items from a distance, including when mounted on Seikret. It can also be used to interact with objects in the environment. Monster Hunter Wilds is scheduled for release in 2025 and will be available on PS5 and Xbox Series X|S.

Anthony Emecheta

Anthony Emecheta has over a decade experience as a freelance writer. Gaming has always been a childhood hobby and he is excited to be collaborating with a gaming company as a content creator. It is like having all the things he loves in one place.