GameBaba Universe

The official reveal trailer of Silent Hill F has continued to generate buzz across the gaming industry. Soon after the trailer release, Konami unveiled the game’s official website. The developer encourages players to “Find the beauty in terror in this psychological horror”.

Hinako in a flower covered environment

Silent Hill F was first revealed in 2022 and has left fans waiting anxiously for more information. It will be the first new installment in the franchise’s main series since the 2012 release of Silent Hill: Downpour.

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Silent Hill F is set in 1960s Japan, where “teenager Shimizu Hinako lives in the small, remote town of Ebisugaoka, nestled in a mountain pass”. According to the story, Hinako has nothing special about her life until a deep fog descends on the town, “and everything Hinako knows crumbles as she finds her once-familiar home infested with spreading danger, the town empty except for the horrors teeming in the fog”.

“Now, as she navigates the twisting paths of Ebisugaoka, Hinako must solve puzzles and fight for her life in her struggle to survive. Her struggle to reach the inevitable decision that must be made. And her struggle to put an end to that which must be slain.”

Hinako in a twisted environment

The Silent Hill franchise has never shied away from exploring disturbing subjects, and Silent Hill F is no different. Konami left a warning on the game’s website that hinted at the level of disturbing events that would be contained in the game.

“Please read before playing,” read the warning at the bottom of the page. “This game contains depictions of gender discrimination, child abuse, bullying, drug-induced hallucinations, torture, and graphic violence.”

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“If you feel uncomfortable at any point while playing, please take a break from playing or speak to someone you trust.”

Read Before Playing message for Silent Hill F

The developer noted that while the game contains depictions of events common in the 1960s, they are by no means a reflection of their opinions or values. The game is being developed by Neobards Entertainment and Konami using Unreal Engine.

Emecheta Christian

Emecheta Christian is an avid gamer with over 5 years in the industry. He is also a poet. It is therefore not surprising that his post sometimes read like poetry.