GameBaba Universe

After multiple delays and early hiccups, the developer of Fallout London, Team Folon, hopes to take their initiative to a new level by forming an indie games company that would allow them to bring their creativity to life without the bureaucracy of talking to someone high up.

Team Folon, Fallout London Maker Want To Launch An Indie Studio

Fallout London is considered a DLC-sized mod. Team Folon’s Dean Carter, the project lead on Fallout London recently appeared on BBC Newsbeat hosted by Tom Richardson where he talked about the project and how he felt now that the game was out.

Carter said that with the release of Fallout London, he now feels free. “It’s been great to get it across the line. It’s a huge load off our shoulders,” Carter said.

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Fallout London started as a small modification of the Fallout game, an idea conceived by Carter. However, during the restrictions of COVID-19, they decided to dream bigger, and it eventually snowballed into what is now considered a game-size mod.

Carter addressed the issue with the mod, particularly how difficult it was to install. He said that most of the issues that players had with the game were tied around the installation difficulty and also blamed that issue for the mod’s last delay.

Team Folon, Fallout London Maker Want To Launch An Indie Studio

“If we could get permission from Bethesda to be able to put it on Steam, then we wouldn’t have had to have had some of these issues,” Cater said. “It would just be like Plug and Play, you know you click and go.”

“Now we did get that from the GOG side which is like another release. They have been fantastic but a lot of these issues that we’ve had have been from the sort of the hard installation because we have to basically for layman’s terms you have to downgrade the game rather than use the current version.”

Team Folon said they did Fallout London for the fans

Team Folon, Fallout London Maker Want To Launch An Indie Studio

Carter said that they have been getting positive feedback from people who have managed to overcome the steep installation hurdle. According to him, some have even said that it is the best installment in the series, even though it is just a mod.

“For us, we did this for the fans,” Carter said. “As I said, this isn’t like we don’t have ulterior motives. We wanted to do something that was fun and we’ve made something that’s fun and people have found it fun. So, for us, we’ve achieved that goal. We are very happy about it and the reception.”

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Asked if Team Folon is now a victim of their own success, Carter said yes, that some players are now requesting Fallout London on consoles but there is a limit to what Bethesda has allowed them to do.

Currently, Team Folon is not selling the game. However, Carter confirmed to Richardson that some of the players who enjoyed the game had sent them donations.

Team Folon will continue to fix bugs, planning to create a company

Team Folon, Fallout London Maker Want To Launch An Indie Studio

While Team Folon did their best to fix as many bugs as possible before the game’s launch, Carter said that he was surprised by the ‘train crash’ crash. It is a point in the game where the train crashes and the game suddenly shuts down. He said the reason was due to a graphics card issue and how it reads things in the game.

Carter also mentioned that Team Folon was constrained by the small number of their development team which is just about 20 people. That meant that there was a limit to what they could test. To put it into context, Carter said Bethesda Game Studios has had around 150 QA testers for several months. From being just a modder, Team Folon has its eyes set on transitioning into an indie games company.

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“Fallout London will continue until we basically have all the content which we had to cut for the release, so we have another ending which is called the Wild Card ending, basically that will come out in one of the future patches,” Carter said.

“We’re aiming for some small ones for like stability and things like that, but ultimately there will be a larger patch that basically puts in everything that we didn’t get in for the original release and then that will be sort of when we sort of close up shop for Fallout London.

“That’s not going to happen soon. We can see ourselves doing that towards until at least at the end of the year, but there will obviously be a point where we’re like, that is now done, because again, as much as I love the fact that this is a free project we can offer free for all the community, free doesn’t pay our bills.

“What has been great for us is that a lot of people who have really enjoyed it have donated to us and what we are doing with that is we are channeling that into Team Folon, which is obviously what we’re going to be moving into, and then we should hopefully launch our own indie games company, which will allow us to be able to come up with our own ideas, create our own game, and just really work with the community without having to even like speak to anyone above us such as Bethesda or anything like that.”

Have you played Fallout London? Do you think the game is comparable or better than the original Fallout games? Share your thoughts in the comment box below.

Anthony Emecheta

Anthony Emecheta has over a decade experience as a freelance writer. Gaming has always been a childhood hobby and he is excited to be collaborating with a gaming company as a content creator. It is like having all the things he loves in one place.