GameBaba Universe

Turtle Beach Is Sunsetting The Roccat Brand. Here’s Why

Turtle Beach Is Sunsetting The Roccat Brand. Here’s Why

Roccat, a German company founded in 2006, was acquired by Turtle Beach Corporation in 2019. The deal worth around $19 million cemented Turtle Beach’s position as one of the leading game accessory brands in the world. Barely five years after that acquisition, Turtle Beach has revealed it will sunset the Roccat brand.

Turtle Beach Is Sunsetting The Roccat Brand. Here’s Why

The announcement doesn’t mean that Turtle Beach is planning to close down Roccat. What the company announced is that some Roccat products will be rebranded as Turtle Beach going forward such that the company will now have one brand identity rather than two. Other products may likely be discontinued.

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“We want to bring a greater level of integration to our family of products across console, PC, and simulation,” the company wrote in its updated FAQ page. “We felt that time and resources would be best spent focusing under a single brand and creating a range of products that matter most to gamers.”

“While we’ll be retiring the ROCCAT brand, many of its iconic product lines like the Vulcan, Kone, Burst and Sense will transition under the Turtle Beach brand. Our commitment to PC products remains as strong as ever and we have several ground-breaking new products to introduce as well as Turtle Beach-branded versions of popular existing ROCCAT products sticking around.”

Turtle Beach Is Sunsetting The Roccat Brand. Here’s Why

The rebranding will not stop at the products. According to the company, all of Roccat’s social media channels will also be rebranded to Turtle Beach PC. We think it is important to get this information out so that followers of Roccat will not feel lost when they can no longer find their favorite brand on social media.

Not much will change in Turtle Beach operations and Roccat rebrand

Besides switching names, not much will change in how Turtle Beach has operated Roccat since its acquisition. Customer support will still be available via the same channels that their customers have been used to. The company offered further clarity on the FAQ page.

“The same expert tech teams that have been supporting ROCCAT and Turtle Beach remain intact and can be reached at Tech Support. Also, for easy access to quick product information, we’ve merged into one Support Site for ROCCAT and Turtle Beach products.”

Turtle Beach Is Sunsetting The Roccat Brand. Here’s Why

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Likewise, customers who want to return a product—whether Roccat or Turtle Beach—will have to use the same Returns page. The page also contains shipping rates including shipping method, cost, and estimated delivery time. The company also mentioned that Roccat branded products will continue to work with Swarm.

“We have an all-new Swarm II debuting in Spring 2024 for new Turtle Beach-branded PC products as well as for select ROCCAT-branded products (which will also carry on with Turtle Beach branding). Admittedly this can get a little bit confusing, so please visit our DOWNLOADS page for the specific software and/or app details of your product.”

Fans of the franchise should not also expect a magical leap in performance or change in hardware with the rebranding. All Roccat products that would be rebranded to Turtle Beach will still have the same hardware capability that players know.

Turtle Beach launches three new products

Turtle Beach has launched three new products that will be joining its roster of gaming accessories. The products are Burst II Air mouse, Vulcan II TKL Pro keyboard, and Atlas Air headphones. The company touts the products as game-changers.

Turtle Beach Is Sunsetting The Roccat Brand. Here’s Why

The Vulcan II TKL Pro is said to raise the bar in what a gaming keyboard should be. It boasts impressive features including hall effect magnetic switches, adjustable actuation points, multi-output keys, a rapid trigger, and a controller emulator.

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The Atlas Air also has cool features including a lightweight open-back design, wireless and wired connection, 24-bit audio playback, multi-directional moving earcup & band straps, and customizable mod packs.

How do you feel about Turtle Beach sunsetting the Roccat brand? Share your thoughts in the comment box below.